Lauren holds a bachelor of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Over the past eight years she has been combining her modern knowledge and passion for foods and nutritionals with traditional treatment methods to obtain great outcomes for her patients. She is confident in working with women, men and children, treating a wide range of areas including pain, arthritis, autoimmune disease management, thyroid disorders, headaches, digestive complaints, respiratory issues and more. Lauren has worked with Steven Clavey, developing her special interest in Chinese herbal medicine for gynaecology, fertility and IVF and hormonal health. . She is also experienced in the Balance method of distal needling acupuncture for pain management, which utilizes traditional Chinese medicine principles to treat resistant pain that medical or local treatments have had little effect on.
▪  Cupping Therapy
▪  Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
▪  Musculoskeletal Acupuncture
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Wi-Fi available
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