Xuqiong FU (Julia) graduated from Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China in 1983 and has over 30 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Working at both Perth clinic and Subiaco clinic of Baolin Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Centre as an acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner. Specialising in the treatment of menstrual problems, menopausal syndrome, Stress, IBS, acne, skin problems and IVF Support. Worked as a TCM practitioner in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of TCM for 10 years from 1983-1993. Started her TCM clinic in Perth in 1995, and have been working at Baolin as a senior TCM practitioner since 2003. Julia also involved in part-time lecturing of TCM courses at Perth Academy of Natural Therapies, academic exchanges with other TCM practitioners through International conferences, seminars and other major TCM activities. She is a registered TCM practitioner with Chinese Medicine Board of Australia.
▪  Moxibustion
▪  Cupping Therapy
▪  Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
▪  Quit Smoking
▪  Weight Loss
▪  Cosmetic Acupuncture
▪  Disabled toilet
▪  Paid parking
▪  Free parking
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Water available
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5:30 PM
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5:30 PM
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