TCM Mind Body Balance is dedicated to using acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to help restore health and wellbeing. Kim is a qualified and experienced practitioner of  Traditional Chinese Medicine  and has been running TCM Mind Body Balance for over fifteen years. TCM Mind Body Balance takes a holistic approach to health care and uses natural remedies to support the body and maintain wellbeing. The clinic also places a stronger emphasis on finding balance in the body,,mind and spirit. Kim specialises in fertility management and areas such as paediatrics, preconception care and pregnancy care. She frequently works with couples that are trying to start a family. She has also treats disorders and conditions such as acne, allergies, asthma, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, immunity and colds, migraines and insomnia. Her treatments include acupuncture, herbal medicine, vitamin and mineral supplements, meditation techniques, qi gong and dietary and lifestyle advice. Kim
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