Zac joined the clinic in 2013, he has a background in personal training and swim coaching and has always had a passion for movement and exercise. Zac not only helps manage and reduce his patients pain, he also incorporates all of his movement and exercise knowledge to design personal functional rehabilitation plans to provide the greatest benefit and relief for his patients. All treatments provided by Zac are designed specifically for you. he uses a combination of massage, manipulation, mobilisation, and rehabilitation exercises, by utilising this range of therapies it enables him to treat a host of issues/Injuries. The massage is used to relax injured and tight muscles while improving blood circulation, whilst the manipulations and mobilisations improve joint range of motion and enhance postural control. At home exercises help build upon this while enabling you to take control of your individual health.
▪  Motion Palpation
▪  Manual Diversified Techniques
▪  Corrective Chiropractic
▪  Rehabilitation
▪  Ramp access
▪  Disabled toilet
▪  Kids area
▪  Kids entertainment
▪  Paid parking
▪  Free parking
▪  Train nearby
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Tram nearby
▪  Ferry nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Wi-Fi available
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