My approach is to look at your body in a variety of ways – not just “structural” – but I kind of “interview” your body in how it should be functioning, and try to figure out ways to help the body improve it’s own function. This approach is slightly different to your “average” manual therapy practitioner – in that I don’t just look at the site of your pain. Instead – I assess a number of structural and neurological things to try and figure out WHY it’s there. Sounds super simple right? Well, mostly – it is. If your pain or discomfort is there because of an injury – that’s pretty obvious. We’re probably going to tell you it’s from the injury!! But so so often – there’s NO injury. Then what? Why is the pain or movement change there?? We use a combination of Osteopathic, “NKT” and “P-DTR” treatment techniques. We also use GEMT “dry needling” when appropriate. We create custom exercise programs delivered to you via an app - direct to your phone!
▪  Hands-on Contact 
▪  Soft-Tissue Technique
▪  Myofascial Release
▪  Lymphatic Technique
▪  Spinal Manipulative Thrust Technique
▪  Muscle Energy Technique
▪  Counterstrain
▪  Musculoskeletal
▪  Arthritis
▪  Back Pain
▪  Muscular and Ligament Tears
▪  Spinal Manipulation
▪  Ramp access
▪  Free parking
▪  Train nearby
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Tram nearby
▪  Ferry nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
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