Dr Diego Franca B. Clin.Sci (Human Structures & Movement and Osteopathy) M. Ost. Med. Osteopath, uses a firm approach with strong interest in the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain using various osteopathic techniques and exercise prescription. Diego aims to treat the cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. He has a particular interest and experience in shoulder pain, knee pain, acute and chronic back and neck pain, headaches, migraines, low back pain, sciatic pain and postural related pain. Diego developed a deep regard for the value of scientific research and evidence based practice. Treatment involves a patient-centered approach with manual and movement therapy. He may help people suffering from chronic, persistent musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. He also has a deep understanding for sports injury, with experience treating cyclists, runners, kayakers, swimmers and other sports related conditions. Diego has advanced dry needling training.
▪  Hands-on Contact 
▪  Soft-Tissue Technique
▪  Myofascial Release
▪  Cranial Osteopathy
▪  Lymphatic Technique
▪  Spinal Manipulative Thrust Technique
▪  Muscle Energy Technique
▪  Counterstrain
▪  Musculoskeletal
▪  Arthritis
▪  Back Pain
▪  Muscular and Ligament Tears
▪  Spinal Manipulation
▪  Kids entertainment
▪  Paid parking
▪  Free parking
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Wi-Fi available
▪  Water available
▪  Tea/Coffee available
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