I am an APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist of over 30 years experience. I have worked as a private practitioner and practice owner in the Liverpool/Green Valley/Moorebank area since 1995. I am experienced in the treatment of all musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, work-related and sports injury conditions. I also treat some types of headache and vertigo My approach is "hands-on", but all patients are provided with a self-management program that includes an exercise regimen to sustain improvement and help prevent recurrence. I take time to clearly explain the nature of the patient's presenting problem and how I will approach treatment. I try to listen to patients so that I understand what they hope to get out of treatment and do my best to work towards that goal. My practice has good relations with most of the local GPs and many of the specialists. As an ethical practitioner, I communicate with your treating doctor to ensure your care is optimal.
▪  Musculoskeletal
▪  Arthritis
▪  Hand and Upper Limb Physiotherapy
▪  Splinting and Bracing
▪  Spinal Manipulation
▪  Electrotherapy
▪  Soft Tissue Massage
▪  Exercise Programmes
▪  Sports Injuries
▪  Physio Pilates
▪  Hydrotherapy
▪  Muscular and Ligament Tears
▪  Back Pain
▪  Ergonomic workplace assessments
▪  Dry Needling (Acupuncture)
▪  Ballet Assessments
▪  Headaches
▪  Post Surgical
▪  Ramp access
▪  Disabled toilet
▪  Free parking
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Water available
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