Like many teenagers I grew up wanting to represent my country and become a Wallaby. Countless injuries kept me off the field as I watched this dream slowly fade away. At the time the so called 'expert' health professionals prescribed me a mix of rest, medication and wait and see advice. Even as a kid I was let down and disappointed by the whole experience as I was left wondering - what's the point? Luckily for me me I received some sound advice from a supportive family member: "Use the disappointment you suffered to make a difference" It took a while to sink in but I realised they were right. It has not been an easy journey being the first of my family to go on to university and complete a double degree in Physiotherapy and Exercise Science and then taking on the challenge to establish my own practice. But as we know nothing good comes without struggle. My goal of bringing the best pain and injury management to everyone has now been realised. I now have 2 practices at Gumdale and S
▪  Musculoskeletal
▪  Cardiothoracic
▪  Neurological
▪  Arthritis
▪  Hand and Upper Limb Physiotherapy
▪  Splinting and Bracing
▪  Spinal Manipulation
▪  Soft Tissue Massage
▪  Exercise Programmes
▪  Chest Physiotherapy
▪  Sports Injuries
▪  Hydrotherapy
▪  Muscular and Ligament Tears
▪  Back Pain
▪  Ergonomic workplace assessments
▪  Jaw pain
▪  Dry Needling (Acupuncture)
▪  Children’s Physiotherapy
▪  Biomechanical Analysis
▪  Ballet Assessments
▪  Headaches
▪  Post Surgical
▪  Pre-Employment Assessments
▪  Ramp access
▪  Automatic doors
▪  Disabled toilet
▪  Kids area
▪  Kids entertainment
▪  Free parking
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  TV in waiting area
▪  Water available
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