Sandra Day has owned Stafford Physiotherapy and Pilates for over 30 years and has been committed to providing the highest quality of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, attending regular continuing education throughout her career. Sandra completed a postgraduate course in Sports Physiotherapy with Sports Medicine Australia in 1991.
She has provided sports coverage for football, touch football, netball, Tae Kwon Do, the World Gymnastics in 1994 and masters swimming. Sandra also holds Physiotherapy Exercise Sessions using Pilates and other equipment in the Pilates Studio at Stafford Physiotherapy and Pilates.
Sandra is currently a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and special interest groups: Sports Physiotherapy Australia, Musculoskeletal Therapy Australia, Physiotherapy Business Australia and Continence and Womens Health Special Group. She is also a life member of Sports Medicine Australia.
▪ Kids entertainment
▪ Free parking
▪ Bus nearby
▪ Toilet facilities
▪ Water available