Fountian Medical 5 Ward Ave Potts Point Ph: (02) 9319 4665 PODIATRIST Rebecca Kennedy (BN, Grad Dip Peri Op, MN, BPod) Sydney Podiatrist Proficient in all aspects of Podiatry, Rebecca looks after ‘Diabetic Foot Health’ – Neurological and Vascular foot assessments, treating of Diabetic foot ulcers, regular general treatment, and advice on foot wear choices. Rebecca also performs Partial Nail Avulsions for problematic ingrown or fungal nails with regular follow up visits. Custom and prefabricated orthotics can be prescribed after a full biomechanical assessment. Corns are cobbed, nails, nailed and calluses kicked to the curb. Her key mission as a Podiatrist is not only maintaining foot health, but to educate and facilitate self-foot care. Rebecca is always here to offer advice and assistance.
▪  Orthotics
▪  Biomechanics
▪  Surgery
▪  Diabetes
▪  Arthritis
▪  Gerontology
▪  Ramp access
▪  Kids area
▪  Kids entertainment
▪  Train nearby
▪  Bus nearby
▪  TV in waiting area
▪  Water available
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