Robert combines a treatment of Remedial Massage and Therapeutic Reflexology using Myofascial Releases to assist you enjoy a greater flexibility and by reducing tension aches and pains. Postural issues, past events or beliefs about the future may be released so that you can start to feel Alive and Radiant again on the way to Total Body Wellness. Have you experienced a stress or anxiety in your body, mind, emotions or soul that could do with some calming, then come for a visit. Young to old all welcome. I work at The Gap as a general clinic and Keperra Sanctuary Retirement Village Clinic as specialty services. Call me on 0439 88 76 78 to discuss your specific needs. As I am a member of the Holistic Health Connection in The Gap (refer to my Links page on my website) your needs may be met through referral to other practitioners. Our clients needs cover shoulders, backs, sports, PTSD, Mental Health issues or from just being a Highly Sensitive Person
▪  Therapeutic or relaxation massage
▪  Remedial massage
▪  Sports massage
▪  Structural bodywork
▪  Lymphatic drainage and lymphoedema management
▪  Myotherapy
▪  Oncology, palliative care and geriatric massage
▪  Pregnancy and paediatric massage
▪  Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
▪  Free parking
▪  Train nearby
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Tram nearby
▪  Ferry nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Wi-Fi available
▪  TV in waiting area
▪  Water available
▪  Tea/Coffee available
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