Mr Ty Sundstrom
Sundstrom Bodywork
Remedial Massage Therapist
41 East Avenue, Allenby Gardens, SA 5009
SLM Bodywork is a very unique form of Myotherapy. Whereas Remedial Massage is about only taking tension from specific muscles, SLM always treats the entire body as a whole continually moving around it, stimulating flaccid muscles through various nerve lines, restoring length and function to permanently contracted muscles and removing muscle imbalances which in turn realigns the skeleton so that pressure is released from joints, allowing pain and inflammation to disappear. Put simply, SLM is a fast and effective way of returning the body to its normal balanced state, while treating the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptom, so that the results last. If you suffer from acute or chronic pain or injury then you should definitely experience the difference that SLM treatment can achieve for you. Athletes will also benefit greatly from the injury prevention protection that regular SLM treatment provides. Book in for an SLM session with us today, your body will thank you!
▪  Therapeutic or relaxation massage
▪  Remedial massage
▪  Sports massage
▪  Structural bodywork
▪  Myotherapy
▪  Pregnancy and paediatric massage
▪  Free parking
▪  Train nearby
▪  Bus nearby
▪  Toilet facilities
▪  Water available
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