ntegrated Therapist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Aromatherapy Specialist Sandra is a specialized Integrated Massage Therapist and offers her services in Sydney City. Remedial Massage, Oncology Massage, Ortho-bionomy and aromatherapy are some of the skills that she uses when treating her clients. What does an Integrated Massage therapist do, I hear you ask? Integrated treatments consist of a unique treatment to bring balance to the whole body/mind and spirit. Sandra utilises many different modalities to treat the client as needed. Amongst these are remedial, myofascial, trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage, ortho-bionomy and accupressure techniques. Her work takes her from outside in and inside out, so that she is basically working within each level of the human body. Sandra’s aim is to assist and guide her clients to be the best they can be. Balance is key! During her career, Sandra has developed a strong affinity for her work as she treats a wide variety of clients. She w
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